Top 10 Things Which Java Programmers must know in the year of 2020.

Top 10 Things Which Java Programmers must know in the year of 2020.

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Are you working as a java programmer? Do you want to keep yourself up to date in this competitive world? Then this article is for you. Each and every month the technology is keep on changing very fast. In the market, we can able to see that every programming language & framework is releasing their new version. They release this for every two years. So, keeping our self-up to date helps you to sustain in this field.

In this article, we are going to see what are the important 10 things which we need to learn as a java programmer. Especially in this year. We need to improve our toolset chain. Now let’s see this in detail in the below section.

What we should learn as a java programmer in the year of 2020?

Following are some of the important things which we need to learn as a java programmer in 2020. We may already have idea some of them already. But proper learning helps us to have very good understanding and keep us up to date. Now let’s see them in detail.

1. DevOps:

Nowadays, we can able to see that most of the companies started to move for DevOps. The adoption of the DevOps is kept on increasing. This is for CI as well as CD. It is very vast area. There are many tools as well as principle to learn. If you have experience as a Java programmer its big advantage. Do you have passion to manage automation, infrastructure as well as environment? Then you need to learn DevOps and become as DevOps Engineer. The overall understanding of DevOps and its tools will boost your career.

This is one of the great courses for the Java programmers. This course will be very useful for you in this year to upgrade your career.

In DevOps view, Java gives so many benefits. Some of them are below.

  • DevOps decreases the time to java application development.
  • DevOps improves the quality of application through its frameworks.
  • DevOps brings better way of collaboration within and outside team.

One of example in DevOps tools is Git. Git as well as GitHub are most important tools for the Java Programmers. If you are working in the SVN as well as CVS? Then this course will be more suitable for you. Nowadays most of the new development are using this Git. If you have experience in the java programming? Or if you are a beginner? Then this Git is the perfect choice for you. 

Review tools like Gerrit will improve the code review process. It increases the quality of code. Maintaining Git is very simple. The one of big advantage is Git is open source. So, as a Java programmer, learning Git will keep you up to date in Source code management.

2. Angular 8 / React.js:

These two are the framework of the JavaScript. These two frameworks have completely changed the development of the web apps. So, learning this will really helpful for us. Being a Java programmer, it is very essential to have good knowledge in these two frameworks.

React and Angular help to create UI interfaces as simple and efficient. Especially it is useful for single page applications. React runs in browser as frontend. React uses DOM in virtual manner. It increases the speed of applications. If you are UI developer, it is must to know about React. Angular is an Open source framework.  It keeps html as template language. It will boost your build of single page application. So, React and Angular framework will double your design and application development.

3. New Features of Java from the JDK 9 to JDK 13:

In the past year we can find that there are many new version releases in Java. It need time to learn all the versions. But it seems to be very difficult. When we start learning the new release by today but at the end of learning we can able to find two more releases. It seems very difficult to keep us up to date. We can able to find there are more goodness with JDK 9, 10, 12 as well as 13. We can select this to keep us up to date. Learning this will keep us up to date in the market.

As a java programmer, you should be aware of different JDK versions. It will help you to port your application to latest version of JDK. Knowing the list of features will help you in several ways. You could decide what set of features your application really needs. You should explore different libraries in JDK versions. It will improve your java programming knowledge.

4. Unit test:

Another important area which we want to concentrate in this year is unit test. There are many frameworks as well as tools are there for the Java programmers. Especially for the unit testing as well as integration testing for the apps. Learning this will make you as a professional developer. Then you will become the most wanted candidate in the job market.

Following are some interesting java unit test tools you should know.

  • JUnit
  • JWalk
  • Mockito
  • TestNG
  • The Grinder
  • JTest
  • Arquillian
  • PowerMock

5. Docker as well as Kubernetes:

Docker & Kubernetes are another new technology. Nowadays these two technologies play a major role in the development. These two technologies are having safe environments to work. As a Java developer, we should have more knowledge in these two technologies. This will be definitely playing a major role in our career change. So, learning these technologies is very essential in the year of 2020. We can also find that there are lot of opening in this field. 

Using containers is advanced concepts in Java. In Kubernetes, important supported language is Java. The container helps in managing application, automation and scaling. As a java programmer, you should aware of containers. It will help you build cloud native applications.

Docker enables you delivering software as container and packages. As a java programmer, it is big advantage if you know about Docker. It helps you creating virtualized applications. It reduces the dependency of searching libraries. It also reduces the burden of build and link to different platforms. Docker helps you getting a great benefit here.

6. Spring Boot 2:

Microservices is an advanced architecture style. It helps you create a loosely coupled modules in application. These modules are deployed in application in independent way. If you are java programmer, you should aware of microservices. Spring framework enables microservices. It gives you bring your java application as independent modules.

The framework of the Spring boot also releases their new version. It is Spring Boot 2. It is very easy to learn this in the Udemy. Learning this course is very helpful for the Java Programmers. 

7. Web services of the RESTful:

In 2020, we must need knowledge in writing the REST API. So, implement the secure as well as scalable web services of RESTful in the Java. Especially this is possible with the help of Spring. People with knowledge in both the REST as well as Java are very few in number. But the demand for them is very high. So, learning this will really helpful for us.

RESTful service enables a lightweight programming mode. Java with Restful web services helps you to create scalable applications. Nowadays, scalability is very important factor. Your application should be scalable to access across the world. Also, the request should not be pointer to real data. Instead, it should point to its representation. RESTful service helps here. A java programmer should know JSON and RESTful services. It will help you to keep up to date with cutting edge web technologies.

8. Spring Security 5.0:

Spring security releases this 5th version. This version has many popular security features. In this 2020 this security system plays a major role. So, learning this will really helpful for us. Being a Java programmer, it is very essential to have good knowledge in this spring security. We can also able to find that there are lot of opening in this field. 

9. Android:

Are you feel like lagging in writing the Android app? Then definitely we are in the need to learn it. Because the reach of mobile is kept on increasing. Lot of peoples are very eager in using the Android as well as more mobile Apps. So, learning this course is very useful for us. Not only to seek a good job with the decent salary at the top MNC. We can also able to work as a freelancer. We can also to release our new mobile apps in the internet. So, learning Android as a java programmer will be big benefit. It is for all mobile development platform programmers.  

10. Apache Groove:

Apache Groovy is another important tool. The Java programmers must learn this tool in 2020. It commendations the Java by supporting its syntaxes. This language is with the feature of both the static as well as dynamic. We can use this as a scripting language in case if we use Java platform. Mainly it is influenced by the Python, Pearl, Java as well as Ruby.

Some benefits with Apache groovy are as below.

  • Static compilation capability.
  • Meta programming in both compile time & run time.
  • Advanced way of integration in domain specific languages.
  • User friendly for test automation tasks.


Hear in the above session we have seen that the top 10 things Which Java Programmers must know in the year of 2020. Along with this we also should have knowledge in the Apache Spark & Kafka. While we use the Big data then these two frameworks are must. So along with the top ten technology we should also learn these two frameworks. Apart from this technology there are plenty to know. So, keep on exploring and start learning with the new technology to keep you up to date in this competitive world.

February 4, 2020
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